Fashion is a term used interchangeably to describe the creation of clothing, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, and jewelry  of different culture. 
Design: is to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan.
Technology the qualification of scientific  knowledge  in the industries. 
At Bedeku Technical  Institute, we intend to provide  young persons with the requisite  skills as a predisposition  to technological  pursuits at the advanced level. 
Main Courses:
Pattern making  Techniques
Garment  construction 
Garment Design 
Acquire the requisite knowledge in sewing and select fashionable  materials  for sewing. 
To acquire  the competency in sewing  casual , occasional ,night wears babies wear etc 
Carrier  Opportunities:
1.self employment industry 
3 . facilitator 
4.Textile industry 
5.Haberdashery shop
6.Employment in the : police, military,fire service, prisons, customs etc. to sew their uniforms.
Fashion  design technology  investigates the multitude of  ways that technology  intersect with fashion and textiles
Head of Department

Madam Juliana Korkor Talem Adjanor has worked as a fashion instructor for over seventeen years, and have trained over 3000 student in the discipline of garment construction, dress making, millinery and pattern making.

John, an electrical installation student who is passionate about modelling. His outfit was designed by Agboglah Vincent.

Akli Beauty, a third year fashion student designed this beautiful outfit for the speech and prize giving day

This outfit was designed  by Oberdi Mary,  a second year student in fashion for the Speech and Prize Giving Day

Our Craft

Career Opportunities

Fashion Designer
Fashion Instructor