Electric Installation Technology, is whether in a building or expose environment the assemblage of cables with the necessary control gears and apparatus for the purpose of supplying power to the equipment installed. Electrical installation involves, fixing of various type of motors, fans, water heaters etc. 

There are three (3) types of installations include, are domestic, commercial and industrial.

At Bedeku Technical Institute, students are trained to become a competent electricians who are able to work on his/her own after completion of the three (3) year programme successfully. 
We also give training to people who are interested in learning only the practical aspect of the course.
 We also give training to people who are interested in learning only the practical aspect of the course.
CARIER OPPORTUNITIES, There are various options available, one can be on his/her own as an electrical contractor, (thus self-employed.) one can also decide to join any of the forces, (Army, police prisons etc) one can also decide to further his/her education to Tertiary level.
The services that the department renders include domestic and commercial installations. Servicing of electrical home appliances such as, electric irons, fans

students from Bedeku Technical Institute are assure of practical experience skills, ready for any job challenges in the field of electrical installation and engineering jobs.

over the years the electrical department have trained over three thousand students , who have been able to land themselves jobs in various government entities and other private jobs as well

with our hands on training system, most of our past student have establish their own business, of which they have provided employment for others 

Career Opportunities

Installer Technician
Machine learning Engineering