Catering is art and science of cooking and serving food beverages to people of all walks of life 
whiles Hospitality services go beyond food and drink to include lodging, entertainment, and the overall guest experience.
Here at Bedeku Technical Institute, the Catering and Hospitality Department aims at training students to  acquire the requisite knowledge in culinary attitudes in cooking crafts and to develop positive attitude towards application of practical skills, safe use of tools, judicious use of materials and time in the kitchen and on site, proper care and maintenance of tools and equipment. 
The department always ensure that our students undergo practical training in  the art of catering and Hospitality such that, students after their three years training are equipped will the skills to be able to work with little or no supervision where ever they find themselves. 
Students from Bedeku Technical Institute are trained to master  the skills in standards cooking and service of foods & beverages and presentations of various local and continental dishes in related industries.
Head of Department

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Final practical exams assessment at Bedeku Technical Institute

inter-school cooking competition at the Asafotu Festival, Ada

students exhibiting their skills in the preparation of local dish (Aprapransa)

Career Opportunities

Flight attendants
Hotel Manager
Domestic Bursar
Catering Instructor